
Table of Contents

ELSA Training

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
ELSA Training 5 training days, fortnightly 2 x 1.5 hour supervision sessions Aimed at targeting the follow ing areas of: Recognising and managing emotions, raising self-esteem, improving peer relationships, re-covering from loss or bereavement and resolving conflict effectively. PS £570 NPS £595 Educational Psychologist & Assistant Psychologist 14

Solihull Training

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
Solihull 2 Day Foundation   Two full training days (one fortnightly) Aimed at targeting the following areas of: Containment (psychoanalytic theory), Reciprocity, Behaviour management £275 Educational Psychologist 14
Whole-School Solihull Parenting Training One full training day, followed by a twilight session two weeks later (approx. 2 hours) Whole School Solihull training for everyone from the school receptionists to teachers, support staff and governors £1,080 Educational Psychologist Whole school
Train the Trainer – Solihull Parenting   1 full day training Completion of set tasks Must have completed Solihull 2 Day Foundation Aimed at targeting the following areas of: Parent:Child relationships, Focus on feelings Containment, Reciprocity, Co-regulation £194 Educational Psychologist 7

DI/PT – Direct Instruction Precision Training

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
DI/PT Training (Reading & Spelling) 2-hour training session 1.5   hour group supervision   *Enquire if online delivery is required/preferred if you are unable to attend face-to-face training Direct Instruction and Precision Teaching strategies target the ‘fluency’ stage in children’s learning; whereby a pupil has learned the skill well enough to retain it, performing with both accuracy and fluency. As an intervention for reading, Direct Instruction and Precision Teaching strategies focus on teaching high frequency sight vocabulary (common exception words) by explicit, guided instruction in order to improve reading fluency.  This was very positively evaluated within EPIC 2017-18. Partner School: £250 Non Partner School: £300 Assistant Psychologist Per school, up to 10 delegates

DI/PT – Direct Instruction Precision Training (Maths) NEW

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
DI/PT Training (Maths) 2-hour training session 1.5 hour group supervision Direct Instruction and Precision Teaching strategies target the ‘fluency’ stage in children’s learning; whereby a pupil has learned the skill well enough to retain it, performing with both accuracy and fluency. As an intervention for maths, Direct Instruction and Precision Teaching strategies focus on explicit, guided instruction in order to improve mathematical fluency and mastery. Partner School: £250 Non Partner School: £300 Assistant Psychologist Per school, up to 10 delegates


Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
Biofeedback Workshop 2.5-hour workshop 2 x 1.5 hours supervision Half day workshop for school staff who wish to train in the use of biofeedback in their schools as a tool for emotional awareness and regulation Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 (Per person) Assistant Psychologist Team N/A

Social Processing Workshop– EPIC View Points

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
Social Processing Workshop 1 day training/workshop 1.5-hour supervision x2 A full day workshop that trains school staff to be able to run the EPIC View Points group work programme.  This includes the cost of the whole class resource (the 3 pre-written activities). Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team 4


  Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
Anxiety and Depression Workshop 2.5 hour workshop Aims to provide an understanding of the biological and theoretical underpinnings of anxiety and depression. Attendees will gain an understanding of the way anxiety and depression present themselves in children. Strategies and interventions to support children and parents will be explored to prevent escalation and increase wellbeing. Partner School: £150 Non Partner School: £175 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Anxiety Workshop 2.5 hour workshop *Enquire if a recorded video is required/preferred if you are unable to attend face-to-face training Symptoms of anxiety in children within primary schools was on the rise before COVID-19, and since the virus has been a common feeling amongst children, young people and adults. This workshop will ensure attendees have an understanding of the biological and theoretical underpinnings of anxiety. Attendees will gain an understanding of the way anxiety presents themselves in children. Ideas on how to improve children’s self-awareness and techniques for self-regulation will be discussed. Strategies and interventions to support children who are experiencing symptoms will be shared to prevent escalation and reduce anxiety, including activities to use for individual children, targeted groups and whole class. Strategies and support for working with parents will also be discussed. Partner School: £150 Non Partner School: £175 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Relationships and the Power of Language Workshop 2.5 hour workshop Positive relationships are fundamentally important for a child’s development and reaching their full potential. Workshop attendees will gain an understanding of the importance of relationships, the psychological underpinnings of relationship development and the factors that impact the quality of relationship formation. Attendees will have a framework for assessing the nature of relationships and techniques to build connectivity. Language and communication will be explored to facilitate relationship development. Delegates will gain an understanding of how important our language use is, and how to incorporate techniques into practise with the use of a communication toolkit. Delegates will also receive a parent toolkit to support the development of relationships at home. Partner School: £150 Non Partner School: £175 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Executive Functioning Workshop 2.5 hour workshop *Enquire if a recorded video is required/preferred if you are unable to attend face-to-face training Executive functions (EFs) are a set of cognitive processes that are necessary for the cognitive control of behaviour. The workshop will explore the key EF skills, including cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control and working memory. The significance and importance of these skills in building the foundations of a child’s learning will be discussed, along with different activities which can support the development of these skills across different ages. Partner School: £150 Non Partner School: £175 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Supporting Literacy Difficulties and Dyslexia 2 hour workshop This workshop will explore literacy difficulties and how to recognise them and explore what is Dyslexia. This workshop will help delegates understand dyslexia-friendly approaches, interventions for literacy difficulties and how to use them effectively. Partner School: £150 Non Partner School: £175 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Sensory Processing Workshop 2.5 hour workshop Aims to provide a basic understanding of sensory processing, the different types of senses and how this can facilitate children’s learning, but also be a barrier for some. The challenges of sensory processing will be explored. Ideas will be explored to support sensory processing on a whole-class and target child level. Partner School: £150 Non Partner School: £175 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Resilience Workshop   2.5 hour workshop *Enquire if a recorded video is required/preferred if you are unable to attend face-to-face training In order for children to thrive they need resiliency. Resilience is the ability to cope with and rise to the inevitable challenges, problems and setbacks you meet in the course of your life and come back stronger from them. Workshop attendees will gain an understanding of the psychological underpinnings of resiliency and be given a framework for resiliency development. The workshop will focus on ways to enhance a child’s capacity for resilience and provide strategies to help children develop the skills needed to cope, recover form challenges and develop strengths to be prepared for future challenges Partner School: £150 Non Partner School: £175 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Self-Efficacy; The impact on children’s learning and staff resilience and wellbeing 2.5 hour workshop *Enquire if a recorded video is required/preferred if you are unable to attend face-to-face training Self-efficacy is the belief that you are capable of performing a task or managing a situation. A person with high self-efficacy believes they have the skills to help them steer through life and reach their goals. Self-efficacy is about learning how to persevere during a challenge or setback, making it an important part of resilience. Workshop attendees will understand what self-efficacy is and its importance in relation to: child engagement and outcomes in learning, emotional resilience and overall wellbeing. Attendees will also have a deeper understanding of adult resilience and wellbeing. Delegates will receive strategies ideas and guidance to support and promote child and adult self-efficacy. Partner School: £150 Non Partner School: £175 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Bespoke Twilight Workshops 2.5 hour workshop Bespoke twilight sessions can be available with class teachers/ teaching assistants. Please contact us to request a bespoke workshop On request On request Whole school

Emotional Regulation

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
Emotional Regulation Workshop 2.5 hour workshop Aims to give staff a theoretical framework for understanding the area of emotional regulation (ER). Ideas on how to share this knowledge and improve children’s emotional self-awareness will be discussed. Strategies to support children who are experiencing ER difficulties will be shared for whole-class, target groups and 1:1. Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Emotional Regulation Coaching for LSA’s 2.5 hour workshop Aims to provide LSAs with the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Psychologist from EPIC and explore the ER Coaching Framework as a support for children with behavioural difficulties. The adult’s role, understanding behaviour and strategies will be explored. Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school

Working Memory

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
Working Memory Workshop 2.5 hour workshop *Enquire if a recorded video is required/preferred if you are unable to attend face-to-face training Aims to give staff an understanding of Working Memory theory and its role in the classroom. The workshop looks to enhance children’s working memory function by exploring staff strategies to support children on an individual and whole class level Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
Working Memory in Maths Workshop 2.5 hour workshop The relationship between Working Memory and Maths, and the barriers of poor working memory   Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school

ACES, Attachment and Developmental Trauma

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
ACES, Attachment and Developmental Trauma Workshop 2.5 hour workshop Adverse early experiences, in terms of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and attachment security, have a significant impact across the lifespan. Now, more than ever, the critical importance of the caregiver-child attachment and positive relationships to mitigate the effects of ACEs and early trauma is being recognised. Delegates will gain an understanding of ACES, and the relationship between early trauma, the development of attachment and the potential impact of these on a child’s needs in school. Attendees will also explore ways to build security of attachment, improve child and adolescent well-being and empower families and children. Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school
ACES, Attachment and Developmental Trauma Series 2 x 1.5 hr workshops Aims to give an in-depth understanding of ACES and their impact on child development. The training will provide a framework and consider ways in which to be trauma informed and trauma responsive to support children and their families. Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team Whole school

Sensory Processing Training

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
‘Introduction to the impact of sensory processing on learning’ 2.5 hours   or 2x twilight meetings Aims to provide a basic understanding of sensory processing, the different types of senses and how this can facilitate children’s learning, but also be a barrier for some. The challenges of sensory processing will be explored. Ideas will be explored to support sensory processing on a whole-class and target child level. Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team Up to whole school
‘Our ‘sense’ of wellbeing’ 3-hour workshop Workshop developing understanding of how sensory processing impacts on our sense of well-being. Delegates must have attended the Introduction training. Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team Up to whole school
‘SEND & Sensory processing needs in the classroom’ 3 hour workshop A workshop developing a deeper understanding of the impact of sensory processing needs in the classroom and the association between other SEND (such as ADHD and autism) and more significant sensory processing difficulties and how they can be supported in the classroom. Can be focused on a particular child but does not need to be targeted. Delegates will also receive training in how to carry out a Sensory Environmental Audit. Delegates must have attended the Introduction training. Partner School: £300 Non Partner School: £350 Assistant Psychologist Team Up to whole school

Staff Meeting Introductory Sessions

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
Introductory Sessions 1 hour EPIC’s Educational Psychologists have a breadth of knowledge surrounding children’s academic and mental health needs that they want to share with school staff in order to help schools support their children. EPIC are offering staff meeting introductory sessions to provide time with an Educational Psychologist. During this time, the Educational Psychologist will be able to provide an introduction and understanding of key areas of child development and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Discussions can remain general and anonymous, or be centred around case children already known to EPIC. The aim of these sessions is to help staff better understand children’s needs and provide them with more ideas on how to support them. Some example sessions are below: •        ACES/Trauma •        Attachment •        Anxiety •        Selective Mutism Package time deduction Educational Psychologist Up to whole school

Parent Workshops

Commitment Description Cost Delivery Minimum delegates
Resilience Parent Workshop 1.5 hour workshop This is a short, interactive workshop to help parents realise how to foster resilience in their children and thereby promote coping skills and positive mental health. Parents receive a Resilience Activity Pack. Partner School: £125 Non Partner School: £150 Assistant Psychologist Team Up to 25 parents
Anxiety Parent Workshop 1.5 hour workshop This workshop teaches parents about the nature of anxiety in children and tools parents can use to help their child cope with anxiety. Parents receive an Anxiety Activity Book. Partner School: £125 Non Partner School: £150 Assistant Psychologist Team Up to 25 parents
Self-esteem Parent Workshop 1.5 hour workshop This workshop informs parents about the five building blocks of self-esteem and how this theoretical framework can help support them with building their child’s self-esteem. Parents receive a Self-Esteem Activity Pack. Partner School: £125 Non Partner School: £150 Assistant Psychologist Team Up to 25 parents
Bespoke Parent Workshop 1.5 hour workshop On request Partner School: £125 Non Partner School: £150 Assistant Psychologist Team Up to 25 parents


 CommitmentDescriptionCostDeliveryMinimum delegates

Comic Strip Conversations

Short webinar

2 hour online workshop

1 hour follow up session

This workshop will provide you with the knowledge and skills for creating your own comic strip conversations with the chance for in-depth personal feedback when creating your own.£25 per personUndergraduate Degree Placement Students working with Assistant Psychologist  TeamN/A
Maths Anxiety1.5-hour online workshop

Join us for an insightful training event dedicated to understanding and addressing maths anxiety. This session is designed for anyone interested in supporting individuals who struggle with maths-related stress and anxiety. Led by our Assistant Psychologist, Laura and Psychological Services Assistant, Josie, the webinar will cover the causes of maths anxiety; signs and symptoms; the research surrounding maths anxiety and strategies to support.

This webinar is aimed at LSAs, TAs, Teachers and SENCos.

£25 per personAssistant Psychologist teamN/A
Motivational Interviewing1.5-hour online workshopMotivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative, child led approach designed to enhance motivation and commitment to positive behaviour change. In a school setting, MI can be a powerful tool for educators to help students overcome challenges, set goals, and achieve their full potential. This webinar is aimed at LSAs, TAs, Teachers, Lunchtime Supervisors and ELSAs.£25 per personAssistant Psychologist teamN/A
Dyscalculia1.5-hour online workshop

This training event is designed to provide educators with a comprehensive understanding of dyscalculia, a specific learning difficulty that affects a student’s ability to understand and work with numbers. The training aims to equip participants with the knowledge and strategies needed to support students with dyscalculia effectively.

This webinar is aimed at LSAs, TAs, Teachers and SENCos.

£25 per personAssistant Psychologist teamN/A

Comic Strip Conversations

1.5-hour online workshopDelivered by two Assistant Psychologists, the webinar will be surrounding Comic Strip Conversations. We are going to implement the guide to using Comic Strip Conversations to highlight the importance of it and how it can help a child. This workshop will provide you with the knowledge and skills for creating your own comic strip conversations. This webinar is aimed at TA, LSAs, SENCos and ELSAs.£25 per personAssistant Psychologist teamN/A

Get In Touch

For more information about our training and services, please contact us.

Contact Us

How To Join

Should you wish to be a part of our school led wellbeing partnership and join EPIC Psychology and Wellbeing from September 2023 we are currently accepting school requests*.

*All membership is subject to a completed partnership agreement being returned by all schools or partnerships. Fees are subject to review year on year.

Please contact for further details.